Tuesday 8 November 2016

Full Mihi

1.Ka tangi te titi     The Mutton bird cries

Ka tangi te kaka      The Parrot cries

Ka tangi ko ahau    I also cry

Tihei (wa) Mauri Ora!    Behold there is Life!

Ko te wehi ki te Atua    Regards to the Creator

Me whakakororia tona ingoa    Glorify his name

I nga wa katoa.       For all times.

3. Tena Koutou i o tatou tini mate  Greetings to our many dead

Haere, haere, haere.                   Farewell, farewell, farewell.

4.Te hunga mate ki te hunga mate  The dead to the dead

Te hunga ora ki te hunga ora    The living to the living

5. Ka nui te koa me te hari        Great is the joy and the pleasure

ki te tutaki i a koutou                     to meet you

6.Kua tae mai matou           We have come

ki te tautoko te kaupapa        to support the reason

o tenei wa.                         of this time.

7.Waiho i te toipoto      Let us join together

Kaua i te toiroa        And not fall apart.

Ko Jacob Wharepouri Taku ingoa

Ko Ngati Ranginui te Iwi

Monday 7 November 2016

All Blacks vs Ireland

He kaore te pai te pango

he mau te wehi te Ireland

he tino koretake a julian savea
he tino pai a Jordi Murphy

he rewhiri a mathieu raynal

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Image result for all blacks vs ireland 2016

Image result for all blacks vs ireland 2016

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Why i think it is important to learn Maori

Maori is in my blood,  i think it is important to learn and identify your culture. For me Maori is very important and i owe to to ancestors to learn and practice Maori. Maori also benefits me as my second language and gives me the opportunity for extra NCEA credits in numeracy.      

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Image result for why maoris should learn maori

Image result for why maoris should learn maori